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My pool is green. What to do now?

If you're reading this, chances are you have encountered a green pool. Green pool is not really a pool, but rather a pond. It attracts a lot of parasites and insects. And no body likes a green pool.

To understand how to get rid of algae, we must understand what algae is and what it needs to grow.

Algae is a microscopic plant that likes to stick to surfaces and grow. They are only visible once millions of them have already accumulated. So if your pool becomes green very quickly, it means that the algae is already on the pool surface.

Even if algae is in the pool, it still needs a few other things to really grow.
Here are the 4 things:
1. Sunlight
2. Tropical Temperature
3. Stagnant Water
4. High Nutrient Load

Since we live in Philippines, there's not much that can be done about sunlight and tropical temperature.

Stagnant Water is required for algae to grow. So if your pool is prone to algal growth, you can do two things:
1. You can buy a smaller pump to ensure 24 hours movement of water
2. You can buy a variable speed pump, which can be adjusted to the lowest setting to ensure water movement during non swimming hours. You can learn ore about variable speed pumps here: click here.

Now High Nutrient Load is all about food that algae needs to grow. If your pool is high in nutrients, you can be 100% sure that algae will grow within a day or two. To avoid that situation, you need something to bind the nutrients and remove those nutrients. We've created a product called IwNite Hybrid Algae Remover that binds these nutrients in the pool, and can be either filtered or vacuumed out of the pool. 

But back to the main question: I have a green pool. What to do? So here we go:

Bird's eye view of the solution
Shock the pool + Vacuum the pool + add IwNite + Filter water for 8 hours

Step 1:
Before shocking the pool, it's important that you adjust the pH of the pool. Get the pH down to 7 by using either dry acid or muriatic acid. You can also get personal guidance by contacting us on facebook page, all for free.

Step 2:
Once the pH is adjusted, shock the pool. You need to raise the chlorine levels from 20-30ppm. Proper dosage is required. You can get in touch with us to get the right dosage. To get the best results, shock at night. After shocking, let the water sit for 8 hours minimum.

Disclaimer: No one should swim during a shock chlorine.

Step 3:
After the shock chlorination, the algae will die and drop to the pool floor. You need to vacuum it slowly because you don't disturb the algae bed.

Step 4:
Clean the filter if DE or Cartridge Filter. If you have a sand filter, backwash the filter.

Step 5: 
Dose IwNite Hybrid Algae Remover into the skimmer. IwNite will arrest any phosphate released from algae. You can buy IwNite Algae Remover here.

Step 6:
Keep the pump running for another 8 hours to get the pool to turn blue once again.

Step 7:
Test Chlorine and pH. Chlorine should always be tested before pH. If the chlorine is above 20ppm, the chlorine test will show red. If the chlorine is above 15ppm, then the test will show orange color. You want to make sure that chlorine returns to ideal levels. Usually, as long as you get sunlight, the chlorine levels will return to normal. Only once chlorine has returned to normal levels should pH be tested.

And that's it. You now have a clear pool that you can swim in and enjoy. 

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